Products ZIP Code Wall Map of Montclair NJ Laminated

Products ZIP Code Wall Map of Montclair, NJ ZIP Code Map Laminated
Products ZIP Code Wall Map of Montclair, NJ ZIP Code Map Laminated

“We typically would have been in Montclair, but it’s gotten way too expensive to rent there,” says Cascante’s cousin Andre Quesada-Cascante, another co-owner. “Here we were able to get a liquor license, which means our profit margin is higher.”

Until now, it took the finale of an HBO series to put a Bloomfield eatery in the spotlight.

New Jersey law ties liquor consumption licenses to town population (pre-Prohibition establishments were grandfathered in at repeal). montclair (pop. 37,052) has twelve such licenses, none currently available; Bloomfield (pop. 47,683) has 21. At press time, two were for sale.

One restaurant that opened in Bloomfield in 2007 after searching in montclair is Bohemia, which despite its name serves Peruvian food. In Bloomfield the owners found more space at lower rent—plus a liquor license, enabling them to offer South American wines as well as Pisco Sours, a typical Peruvian cocktail made with brandy.

Last year, Natraj Palace, a modest but long-lived Indian restaurant, moved from montclair to smaller quarters on Broad Street after its rent was hiked. Restaurateurs wanting to open a place often start looking in Montclair, but, finding rents high and liquor licenses sky-high (not to mention unavailable), happily cross the border. The last liquor license to change hands in Montclair sold in February 2008 for $750,000 to the buyer of the Wellmont Theater, Jonathan Rosen. The seller was Montclair developer Steven Plofker’s Marlboro Loft Partners, which bought the license in 2004 for $250,000. In

In the last three years, Bloomfield’s venerable diners, luncheonettes, and under-the-radar ethnic joints have been joined by a new wave of restaurants, upscale in quality if not in price. Improbable as it once seemed, a restaurant rivalry is emerging between upstart Bloomfield and its prestigious neighbor, Montclair. A mile and a half south of Holsten’s and Stamna, a restaurant row is budding on Broad Street between Warren and Pitt streets. Within two blocks, choices include Bohemia (Peruvian), Brookside Thai, Kira Kira (Japanese), Pandan (Asian fusion), and Vinnie’s (Italian). All told, the r